Sunday, March 9, 2025

The Last Two Weeks

I made it to Arizona and back. 

Buckaroo came with me. I'm fortunate both my young adults are good travel companions. We had long talks about complicated topics. We played road bingo ("Find five animals, bonus if one of them is an armadillo.") We took turns playing songs, where I found out Buckaroo's playlist is very similar to mine. We also listened to Band of Brothers

I saw those on my priority list. Bonus Dad is still battling the after-affects of that massive heart attack he had last August. He tells me he has a few years left in him. 

We stayed with my brother and his wife. That comes with a mixed bag of blessings and childhood trauma--but mostly blessings. For the record, we laugh about the childhood trauma. Patrick, my awesome nephew kept us grinning. I would have let him stow away back to Texas (he tried) however, we weren't going straight home. 

We stopped by and saw Mrs. Meadows in South East Arizona for the night, which, just like Bonus Dad,  turned into another bittersweet visit with an octogenarian. She has a few issues she didn't have last time I saw her and I'm questioning if her living in 10 acres in the middle of nowhere is in her best interests. However, I'm sure her children have been questioning this much longer than I have.

I had purposeful visits with long-time friends, who make me smile and make me think. These are the women who have brought out the best in me and called me out through the years when I wasn't my authentic self. Those visits were wonderful. I wish they would have lasted longer. 

Because Buckaroo was with me, I also saw a few folks I hadn't planned on seeing. However, one of those visits turned out to be one of the highlights of my trip. Buck's Bonus Mama told me about this book she was reading. She said, "You know, the one you liked on your Facebook page. It's really good." When I told her I swore I had no idea (I truly didn't) she said, "The Calling. Have you read it?" At which point, the lightbulb went off and I put two and two together. So, let me just say this: Someone I know was reading my book and didn't know I wrote it! Woot!

On the way home, we made it from Mrs. Meadow's home in nowhere Arizona to Abilene Texas only to find out there were no hotels in a 107 mile range available. NONE! The annual Rattlesnake Roundup happens in the area on the second weekend in March and folks were coming from all over to roundup their fair share of these critters (pro-tip: do this in Cochise County Arizona!) and there was some sort of weight lifting competition happening the same weekend. 

Buck, who had been hacking and coughing for three days, suggested we drive another three hours to Fort Worth. I suggested we sleep in the van. Providence stepped in and the Air B&B owner I'd messaged got back to me and told us to come on over. By the way, if you are ever in Abilene Texas, this Air B&B is the cutest place! Hit me up! I'm never staying in another hotel in Abilene if I can help it. 

My phone is currently on do not disturb--which is unnecessary given the Coronas are on some sort of Jesus retreat at the moment. Luna is at my feet. I'm on the front end of whatever crud Buckaroo has been battling. Today I'm doing laundry, resting and fighting off the deep depression which always comes from visiting Arizona (I'm fine. Really.). I'm glad I went on my trip. But I'm even happier to be home. 


Friday, February 21, 2025

Aunt Nancy's Rolo Cookies

The things we do for love.
Though February is only 21 days in, I am not exaggerating when I say Polly has baked 20 dozen Rolo Cookies. Texarkana has enjoyed these delicacies in several places--a Super Bowl party, Buck's work, Polly's Choir pals and several others I can't seem to remember at this moment. 

The recipe comes from Aunt Nancy, who kindly shared this with my family years ago. I have fond memories of making these gems--and not only with my children. We had a Girl Scout session making and eating these, which garnered several, "Better than Thin Mints!" comments. 

During the lockdown, my nephew Patrick and a few bonus kids hung out at my home. I had a standing mandate with my teenagers: find an activity to do with the spare kids who were wrecking havoc throughout my home. One day, Polly sat the four of them down in an assembly line and they made these cookies. I believe Buck was sent to the store to buy more candy because the littles were sampling the chocolate. Unwrap, sample. Unwrap, put in bowl. Unwrap, put in the bowl. Unwrap, sample... 

So, thank you, Aunt Nancy for these wonderful memories.  

Today, Polly will be making another 10 dozen cookies. And yes, I do mean 10 dozen. Some are going to tomorrow's Corona night. Additionally, because Texarkana collectively can't cook and word of this novelty cookie has gotten around, there have been requests. So, some cookies are going with Polly to a party. Some are going with Buck. The recipe is staying in the vault. 

Last night, knowing I've stopped sleeping again, Polly left two Rolo bags on the counter along with a note for me, asking to please unwrap every single one of these candies. So, around o'dark hundred, I stood at the counter and did my part to help her bring these chocolate cookies to life. 

Monday, February 17, 2025

First-World Desert Girl Dilemmas

With the exception of the years I lived in Vermont* and Flagstaff**, I've never experienced a winter which lasted longer than a month. Until now. This winter appears to be lasting three months. It's supposed to be in the teens overnight this week. Sheesh! 

The struggle is real people! I'm cold. I don't have adequate winter clothes. My blood is still desert-thin. I'm craving activity, vitamin D, and outside. 

Oh goodie! It will be in the 70s next week. However, a jacket will still be required until noon each day. 

And for the locals around here griping about "hot Texas summers." Yeah... y'all don't know what hot summers are. 

*1968-1971, 1982-1983


Sunday, February 16, 2025


I'm fine. No lab results just yet, but I doubt there's going to be any earth shattering news. I wish I didn't feel like I've been hit with a baseball bat. That's all. 

On my agenda now is to figure out a trip to Arizona to see Bonus Dad, because my best guess is the season for his travels to Michigan are now on hold. 

Oh, and to take care of our taxes. 

And my pal Joy is coming over this week and I'm teaching her to sew. 

Plus, there's this whole garden thing to figure out, but IT NEEDS TO STOP RAINING AND THE TEMPERATURES MUST GET OVER 35 DEGREES. It's even too cold to use the greenhouse. 

But first, recovery--which includes a jigsaw puzzle and as little walking as possible. 

Thursday, February 13, 2025

Southern Terms

Everyone around here seems to know about my upcoming and insignificant medical procedure, which is really NO BIG DEAL! 

Sigh. What I'd call gossip and a lack of boundaries people in the South refer to as a "prayer circle." 



Tuesday, February 11, 2025


Luna and her new toy
Here's how the last two hours of my morning have gone: 

Vet with Luna. 

Took Luna home. 

Went back to the vet to pay (Luna is 70 pounds of uncooperative muscle)

Went to Wake Village City Hall to pay the extortion fee to register Luna and prove she's had her rabies shot. 

Went to Walmart, dropped car off for oil change. 

Took care of the grocery shopping, including buying Luna a new toy which she refuses to let leave her sight. 

Came home, put away groceries, started a pot roast for lunch, visited with Buck and Polly, and paid bills.   

This took slightly less than two hours--only because one doesn't get out of City Hall without visiting with Mr. Burke, the gentleman who works behind the main desk.  

Oh yes! I didn't venture farther than two miles. 

In Mesa, IF the vet would have let me leave without paying and return, this would have been an entire morning of running around. Polly tells me this actually would have taken all day, even without saying hello to Mr. Burke.