This is a real-life real estate picture for a $380,000 home for sale. What is the agent selling? An RV gate? Trash cans ? Ladder? Weird blue circle at the bottom of the picture?

Another home. This is how the picture looked in the MLS listing today. A lovely kitchen, as you will see, if you tilt your head.

Same home, different room.

Different home. Boxes for sale?

Different home. I am not sure what this is supposed to mean. A pass through from the sink perhaps?

Different home. I have no words.

Another home. This one in the $345k range. What are they selling? A shed or an unlandscaped yard?

Which brings up this question: if there is a shed, why aren't the tools in the shed? Do people not realize their address is on the internet??

And finally:

Same home, apparently the owner has a thing about bringing the outside in.

This last home, by the way, was my childhood home. I used to climb the orange tree in the front. My dad put up that ghastly paneling in the 1970s. Otherwise, the home I grew up in looked nothing like this.
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