The ASU football players moved on. One of the more responsible ones sent me a nice text telling me they couldn't come to an agreement and then thanked me for my time. Truly, it was for the best, because my heart would have been broken to tell them they were going to be rejected anyway. They were really nice kids, but not a good fit.
Though on scholarship, between the three of them, they did not make two and a half times the rent--which is a deal breaker. And they might have great apartment rental history, it was obvious from where I watched, their rental history had nothing to do with renting anything bigger than an apartment. Several grown-up items, such as buying appliances, maintaining a home and paying for utilities were out of the grasp for one of them. It isn't that they couldn't handle these grown-up activities, at least two of them probably could, it is just it was a lot to learn very quickly. And to be fair, a landlord doesn't need to have this learning curve on his watch.
Generally when I know someone is going to continue looking for a place, I offer to help. It gives me a chance to make a little money where I can. However, dealing with three college students--all whom might not have established credit at the very least, and at the most, need a co-signer, is tricky. It requires an owner to want to agree to these terms. Why would an owner do that when there is another renter right around the corner? These boys have very good taste in homes. Unfortunately, so do the owners. And it might be best for them to cut their teeth on an apartment for a little bit longer.
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