I admit it, the idea of my children leaving the nest makes me sad. I know it will happen. But I am not ready. I am not sure I will ever be ready. Polly is starting to assert herself. Her adulting cracks me up, but she is learning. As she has gainful employment, I don't spend as much time with her as I do with Buckaroo these days. But I know that time is limited too.
Lately, when Buckaroo and I are driving somewhere, we play a game. He picks a song he wants to hear, no matter what it is and blasts it through my phone (it is always MY phone). Then I have a turn as well. Buck's taste is eclectic, as is mine. Today was Peter Paul and Mary, AC/DC and Guns and Roses. I countered with the Barney Theme Song and he threw back at me Weird Al Yankovik. I pulled out the "D-Backs Swing" (baseball time can't come soon enough people!) and from there he lobbied with the Star Wars theme song, which lasted about 370,000 minutes.
What I love about this game is that he talks to me. If you have ever had a 15 year old boy in your life, you know how difficult that can be. He tells me about why he likes this or that. He has opinions and interests. Also, he is a self-taught musician and has an amazing ear for music. This time is precious. It flies by too fast.
Polly also has a passion for music. She loves to sing. She is also a self-taught musician. This week she has a solo at Church. Stage fright is her biggest concern, and we keep telling her it takes time and she can overcome it. Obviously her choir director has faith in her too. And to be fair, Polly is putting an end to the idea that one knows they are in a Catholic church because the choir stinks. She is actually pretty good.
Today I suggested she could sing the National Anthem at a Diamondbacks' game as a solo this season.* "I am not ready to sing in front of 10,000 people." I explained the stadium holds 50,000. "Yea, but let's face it, we are talking about the Diamondbacks."
Also today, she was passionately telling me about how her her vocal chords work when she has a cold--like right now. I was in my bedroom. The shower water was heating up. She followed me as I got a towel talking about how different shaped uvulas can make different sounds. She followed me as I gathered my clothes, obliviously and enthusiastically sharing how her range is different than most (she can go three octaves). Finally, I said I need a shower. No problem! She just continued chatting with me through he closed door.
This time in my life--their lives--goes by way too fast. I just want it to slow down a little bit more. I am not ready to miss this.
*Trivia: My kids have sung the National Anthem at a Diamondbacks' game about four times. But they were much younger and as part of a larger group.
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