The text message read, "Are you dying?" It came from a friend, who noticed I had posted on Facebook this past Monday. Her thought was that something awful must be happening if I was willing to actually visit the main social media platform I find twitchy.
I am fine. I am healthy. Nothing is wrong.
Anyway, I posted something innocuous on Facebook this past week. Several people responded, including John. John is a fellow agent. He is one of the best real estate agents I have ever met. He is also a lot of fun. Back in the day when he, Bill (the commercial agent) and I worked for the Y2K Real Estate, we would sit in the back of the sales meetings, passing notes and being the belligerent brats teachers hate*. One time our broker took me aside and asked me if I could, "set an example" for the other two, suggesting they were the problem and I was the easily influenced doormat. Sure. Let's go with that.
Anyway, John wrote me on Facebook and suggested we get coffee this week. As most of my life is scheduled out at least three weeks, I countered with, "how about on June 1?" Nope. He wanted THIS week. In the end, he met me at Buckaroo's golf lesson and he and I zoomed over to Starbucks while Buck puttered around the course (see what I did there?).
I suspected, and was correct, John wanted to rope me into joining him at his new company. He is pretty happy there and the opportunity truly sounds amazing. However, I am the owner and boss and even he admitted I have a better commission split than he does. So, I don't think at this time I will change brokerages. But the rest of our time together was fun and I left feeling light-hearted and happy at the result of taking just three minutes to post on Facebook.
Oh yes, two other pretty neat connections happened from that post, and subsequently from hanging out with John for 30 minutes. John and Buckaroo's golf coach met and now John is going to take a few lessons. Additionally, John invited Buck to play 18 holes next week with him. Good stuff.
*Side story: One time our broker had some "motivational" sales contest whereby the winning team would have the honor of having lunch and then go bowling with Mrs. Broker. There were two teams. Bill, John and I were on the same team. I know I purposely didn't turn in my numbers--and maybe someone else didn't or maybe someone on the other team fudged their numbers--but anyway, our team lost.
My broker proudly announced the winners of the contest at the sales team, stressing how fortunate the winners were that they would be able to have such a grand opportunity to be in the presence of the greatness of Mrs. Broker. All the while this is going on, John, Bill and I sat in the back of our sales meeting, high-fiving each other that we dodged that bullet. That's the kind of mature, grown-ups we were.
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