Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Good News, Not So Good News and Unusual News

The Women's Council of Realtors

Good news, great news, actually. I will not be joining that detestable hen party called Women's Council of Realtors. I ONLY agreed to join because Jane was going to be president and wanted me on her board. However, Jane isn't running any more. I am trying not to congratulate her on her excellent decision, though I really, really want to.

And to tell you how obnoxious and annoying this group is, when word got out (because Mrs. Hufflepuff is the world's biggest gossip), Jane's phone started blowing up at 10:30 at night from other members who were angry--ANGRY!--at her for not running. Many used phrases like, "How can you do this to us?" To "us??" Lest they be reminded, IT IS A VOLUNTEER ORGANIZATION THAT EXISTS FOR... well, I don't know why they exist. But that isn't the point.

Stinky news. Jane and Mr. Jane are looking at moving some time next year to somewhere pretty with four seasons. As empty nesters, they have that luxury.

Strange News. Jane wants to keep her Arizona real estate license active if she moves and asked if she can join my brokerage if she is living somewhere with four seasons. Sure, why not?

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