Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Appraisal Class Update

I am currently working like crazy to complete my first appraisal class. To be honest, the class isn't for me. It is a CBT with a few words on a power point and then a multiple choice trivia question on the next slide asking what the previous power point said. The only "learning" is really memorizing. If a student misses one question, they are required to take the entire CBT a second time. It is a hellish amount of work for a two credit community college class.

Plus, the questions are poorly worded and often have no relevance to real life. So, even if I know the answer because of what I do for a living, if the CBT says otherwise and does not provide a reasonable explanation to why they want the answer they want, it is wrong and then another 45 minutes is spent taking the same stupid class again.

The first part of the training was (for me) review of vocabulary of a bunch of terms I conveniently forgot right after I passed my broker test. Words like, "alluvial," "avudial," "novation," "escheat" and the like. I need to know them again until, or if, I take the appraisal exam.

Plus, the class is obviously written by different people with different language styles. The basic vocabulary and terms are bad enough, but at least they were easy to understand. However, the second part, which is basic appraisal concepts is a nebulous bit mumbo-jumbo made to sound super-fancy with the use of many "wherewithfores" thrown in for good measure.

According to this class, appraisals are "analyses with prognostications of unforeseen economic circumstances." Actually, appraisals aren't. Lots of appraisers went to prison for such practises about 10 years ago. I have nobody to argue this point with because the computer program doesn't care.

This is the first of several classes. I may not be cut out to learn appraising online. That's ok. Very few people are. I can only imagine how harrowing this would be if I didn't have the background I have. With any luck I will be taking the final exam for this class next week.

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