What's that line? No battle plan outlives the enemy?
This week I have had four (FOUR!) classes to take and one grievance committee meeting on my plate. There is also coffee with a friend, and another friend. And let's not forget a few other mom-type duties.
But nope. The allergies I had been touting for a week were really not allergies but some sort of yuckiness running through my system. And finally I sat down long enough and my body took over. I haven't moved since. Everything since Saturday has been cancelled. I haven't even read the grievance complaints, but I will--even if I won't be at the meeting.
I am still optimistic about the Thursday, Friday and Saturday classes. I already cancelled tomorrow's class. I am not sure Thursday and Friday class are refundable anyway. Saturday's class is with my new employer, so I need to show up. Plus, I have a coffee date rescheduled for this weekend. It is a must.
Experience tells me I am on the mend. Polly is taking over some of the taxi duties. Nobody is starving. The dog and cat are fighting over who get to sleep on top of me. They aren't convinced the answer should be "neither." I have read a book and watched a crap-ton of Hallmark movies. Plus, I have slept. Glorious sleep.
I am hoping only one more day of this nonsense. I am way too bored to do this long term.
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