My last class for GRI was to write a business plan. I had a format to follow and was to abide by their silly confines. I hated every moment of that dumb class. If I want to increase my sales by this much, I need to make this many calls. Otherwise, according to the constructs of the assignment, I was not going to be an "achiever."
"What if I don't want to increase my sales next year?" I said to Marty. I had been working on the stupid plan for hours and was befuddled as to why I was cranky.
"So make your plan what you want to do instead." He replied.
Well, duh. How obvious was that? And how did I miss something so simple?
It has been said by more than one well-meaning friend that my former Accidental Business broke me. That may be the case, but I am ready to be put back together.
My real buiness plan is somewhat different that the drivel I was asked to put assemble and it fits me much better. What I want to do is transition into other meaningful areas of life. I want to teach more and be home more. I want to connect to the people I love. I want to rid my world of ugliness and dysfunction. I want to write and have actual real hobbies. I want to go to Montana, Missouri, Michigan and Idaho next year. And maybe California to see my brother. I want to read, learn and grow.
When I started looking at this seriously, I realized I don't want to leave real estate. And frankly, if I am teaching, I probably need to stay purposely involved in sales to some level. How involved I want to be is actually something else to explore, consider it a sub-set of my business/life-plan. However, I want to deal with the kinds of clients I want, and not the toxic nitwits like Inga, Landon and Dawn. "What does it say when I would rather work with Dee and her Merry Band of Felons than family 'friends' like Landon and Dawn or repeat clients like Inga?" I asked Marty.
His answer wasn't very polite. But he wasn't wrong. I have been doing this too long to let those bozos break me.
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