Monday, January 6, 2020

Happy Days

Last Saturday morning, Beth, the owner of the real estate school I work for, Jane and I trekked across town for a six hour contract law class. Jane was there for the real estate continuing education hours and moral support.

I taught my first class! Well, actually, to be fair, I taught half of the class--the first three hours (which is the length of most all other real estate classes, except this one). And that was plenty. First, it was the hardest part of the class--going over all the buyer documents, which includes the 10 page purchase contract. Second, I was on my feet for 3 hours straight and that is a long time to stand up in heels. My feet haven't forgiven me yet.

The class went well. There were 15 students, and they were engaged and shared freely. I didn't have the know-it-all who questioned everything I said--and that was probably my greatest fear. Another fear was losing control of the class. I managed to keep everyone on task. My other concern was nobody would talk. I took care of that early on, by threatening that if they didn't participate I would resort to singing 1970s television theme songs.

I polled the class at the end. Everyone said they learned something new. I certainly did!

Teaching had been on my bucket list forever. I am so happy I had a chance to do this. I got a lot of positive feedback from the students, Beth and Jane. Right now, I am scheduled to teach this class again at the end of February.

My end goal is to transition into real estate instruction. Beth's school is small and it won't be sustainable for her and me to only teach there. I hope to be teaching at the local realtor association in a few months. That's the next drop in my bucket list.

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