My self-imposed time off came to a screeching halt yesterday. But that was to be expected, after all, it was February 1. One month-ish should hopefully be enough time to unwind and get back into the swing of things. There might be those who scoff at idle time, but Folks, burn-out is real.
In my relaxation, I managed to acquire two cedar chests to someday refinish. Also, I am making an ottoman out of a sewing machine bench. I read five books (plus half of another book that was too dreadful to finish). There was some parenting and too many kid-doctor appointments. And then there was a fun road trip to the Dragoon Mountains you can read about in my prior blog. So, my time off time was well spent.
January wasn't all fun and games. I taught my first class! I did send out some comps to past clients--maybe about one-eighth of the ones I normally do. I managed to make it to my Phoenix Metro Real Estate data class (spoiler: there is a huge inventory shortage, it is driving up the price of homes). I attended my first professional development committee meeting. I had one buyer meeting that turned into a renter. I had another buyer meeting that was cancelled because my client doesn't have a down payment. She will also be a renter. And I wrote a lease for a client, who (thankfully) had her own tenant. And oh yes, I finally turned in my paperwork to Beth, allowing me to teach at her school. That's kind of a perfunctory chore, as I have already taught at her school and I am scheduled to teach again.
And yes, that was while taking a month off.
I still have a boatload of work to tackle. This week I have another buyer meeting scheduled with well-qualified folks who have a down payment and a high FICO. I have a meeting with my marketing rep, Sarah. There are more comps to take care of for clients. A grievance committee meeting, with about 500 pages to read through is also on my list. I have a newsletter to write. Plus I have two rental clients now (see above paragraph) and a buyer on my plate. And oh yes, I am teaching at the end of the month.
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