There are currently 6,246 single family homes (and if you combine condos, townhomes, etc. it is 8,216 total units) for sale in an area the size that is larger than Rhode Island, Delaware, Connecticut and Hawaii combined. So, not much work for real estate agents.
If you need more perspective: there are 1.4 million housing units in these two counties. So, if my math is correct, that is 0.6% of available homes in the area are for sale. In fact, I was told today there is some zip code in Litchfield Park, where is only ONE unit for sale*. I can imagine that seller being pissy at their agent, "My home has been on the market for three days and I don't have any offers!"
I have three more books I am concurrently reading--all will probably be done by Sunday. Baseball season starts on Friday. Plus, I have a knitting project. In other news, I am more peaceful than I have been in years.
*Yea... it's probably under contract by now and the agent hasn't changed the listing.
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