Friday, August 28, 2020

Market Data

Bliz came to town. So, we went on a girl's trip last weekend where we talked about the same thing we discussed when we were 16. We probably drank the same things then too. However, this time it came with matching pajamas, an Air BNB and about three hundred howling coyotes surrounding us as we walked in the desert one morning. I don't recommend that last one. 

But you don't come to this site to see grown women in matching jammies. So, here's the latest: 

There are 3.39 buyers for every home for sale. Last year there was 2.19 buyers per home. We thought that was an incredible seller's market back then. I am told the trend is "leveling out," but please keep in mind, it took a year to get this high, we (probably) aren't going to get into a buyer's market overnight.

In yesterday's real estate market presentation we were told that we will see prices falling when we have 57,000 new and VACANT homes active on the market. Given we have about 5,000 right now and most of them are occupied, I am thinking we've got a way to go. So, don't expect a crash any time soon--though if a giant wave of zombies attack, who knows? And before you scoff: we are in the midst of a pandemic and two hurricanes hit the exact spot in less than a week, plus the aforementioned coyotes. So, be careful folks.  

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