Wednesday, December 30, 2020

MLS Pictures--Wallpaper and Weirdness Edition

Jane and I have been zooming this week. For grins, while on our call, we started looking at houses in other parts of the country and broke into giggle fits. Sometimes it is fun to have a friend in the biz.

In some cases, we have been trying to figure out what the agent was thinking when he shot a photo of the vacuum. Or, why on earth people thought that choice of wallpaper was appropriate. And who puts white carpeting in the bathroom? 

We have looked at fixer-uppers. One home we were pretty sure the folds of the carpet were the shape of a dead body. We have looked at 5,000 square foot starter-mansions where we couldn't figure out with so much room, why there was no laundry space? And who needs to paint their fireplaces lime green? There have been homes where there is an obvious divorce. Others where there is an obvious lack of attention to detail. It is nice to see that bad real estate pictures aren't limited to just Arizona. 

Here are a few I found. Maybe wallpaper is your thing? I grew up in the 1970s, when wallpaper was all the rage. It isn't for me. But apparently it is very popular in some parts of the country.   

Not just wallpaper, but pink wallpaper. 

The wallpaper clashes with the cultured marble counter. 

Wallpaper, parquet floors, granite counters and circus-tent curtains. 

Green fireplaces. In two rooms!!! 

Someone painted over the wallpaper. They didn't like it either. 

Tell me those aren't legs under that carpet. Please. 

We decided the limb was to a live person. 

This house boasts a bathroom. 

Yes, someone took a photo of the vacuum in the pantry. 

An open floorplan. 

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