Thursday, June 3, 2021


 One of the aspects of what my business consists of is connection. Who you know. 

The other day, an agent called me out of the blue. She is selling a home right down the street from my listing. What could I tell her to justify the outrageous price her client wants for his home? I couldn't. I didn't. But I talked to her for a few as she told me what her client wants to accomplish. And then I had a really strange idea. 

Remember the agent who submitted a sloppy offer and told me he was "backing out of the deal?" The same deal he was never part of to begin with? Well, I reached out to him. You see, he specifically told me he NEEDED to be in that neighborhood where my listing happened to be. That didn't change my seller's opinion of his offer. But those words tap danced in my head as I talked to the agent about her new listing. 

Well now, I put the two in touch with each other. What he needs and what the agent says the seller needs for that listing are pretty spot on. Perhaps they can work something out. 

By the way, fun fact, the two agents above work for the exact same brokerage out of Goodyear. Yet, they didn't know each other. 

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