Doug and Carla's condo is in the "coming soon," section of the Multiple Listing Service. That means, agents can see the listing, but it isn't active. Not being active means 1) the home is not available to the general public and 2) agents can't show the listing. Why? BECAUSE IT ISN'T ACTIVE!
There are many reasons for a "coming soon" status. For example, what if the owners need to clean? What if there were monsoons and the patio roof needs repair? What if the photographer hasn't taken pictures just yet and the agent needs to get all of the marketing in order for that one, good first impression? Those are just some of the more reasonable answers but there's also what if the owner's mother-in-law needs to move into an assistive living center and that won't be ready until next Friday and in the mean-time, the owner's do not want anyone to disturb the family dynamics? So, no showings until Mama is moved. What if the owner is in a domestic abuse situation and is fleeing for her life and needs a few days to scoot out of town? All of these scenarios and more have crossed my path. But in the case of Doug and Carla's condo, it is really only the first three reasons.
Before 7 a.m. this morning, I got a text from some uptight and entitled agent asking what was wrong with the scheduling program. She couldn't schedule a showing for my listing. And would I please fix it rightway, K? Of course, the only way to "fix it" would be to make the listing active.
I explained the home wasn't available to show and would be going on the market next week. At that time, I would be happy to have her show her clients this fabulous condo! Please, stay tuned! And then I thanked her so much for her interest in showing the property.
That didn't go over well. She told me she has a "busy" day and it was today or never. Ok then. Never it is.
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