Bonus Mom collected boxes. That's actually an understatement. Bonus Mom had a 10x10 shed in the back yard loaded, top to bottom, side to side, with cardboard boxes. When Bonus Dad retired, he actually organized the shed so that more can effectively fit in.
Yesterday, I popped over to clean out a good portion of the box supply. They are now haphazardly stacked on my back porch, including a box I know I gave Bonus Mom in 1988. Bonus Dad did keep some boxes back for himself--I promise, there was plenty.
As he was cleaning out the shed, handing me empty, dusty boxes, all I could think about was this might very well be one of the last times I am at his house. One of the last times we are joking about boxes... One of the last times about a lot of things. There are a lot of, "This may be the last time..." moments right now.
I can't say I handled that, "last time moment," with Bonus Dad well. But I blamed my watery eyes on the dusty boxes.
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