Tessa called me Wednesday morning. She wanted two things: first she wanted to see if Buckaroo was available for a manual labor job. I'm pleased she thought of him.
Second, she wanted to tell me about yesterday's agent meeting.
It was announced at the meeting yesterday that I have chosen to step back. Tessa said I met with her last Friday and decided I was too busy with my father's estate, working on the Great American Novel and the consulting I'm doing for the brokerage in Arizona that I didn't need one more thing on my plate. I never planned on working full time, and the Old Brokerage was turning into a full time endeavor. Therefore, we parted friends. All of that was true. And I appreciate Tessa's grace.
Tessa shared with me that the agents were told I was a friend to the brokerage. I might be hired in the future to handle small consulting projects here and there (she had mentioned it to me last week but I'm thinking, nope.) and I might stop by once in a while to say hello (um...). Plus, expect to see me invited at social events here and there--and please make me feel welcome (if they didn't make me feel welcome for the six weeks I was employed, I don't see them making me feel welcome for a two hour party). All that was nice to hear. It made the break off a bit more palatable. At least for me. I appreciate the lengths Tessa went to quash the junior high school girls' agents' backstabbing antics backlash.