Monday, March 28, 2022

Still need the Blueberry and Blackberry Bushes

The Sunshines spent Saturday working on the gardens. As my garden attempts in Mesa were thwarted with 100+ degree weather and not enough water, I am already having high hopes for this round of plants. 

We wanted raised bed gardening, and that took a bit of work over a couple of weekends.  I put my seedlings out a couple of weeks ago before I was told by one of the Hens at the Old Brokerage that one simply doesn't garden here until after Good Friday. When I tried to explain Good Friday changes based on the moon cycle, I was dismissed as one of those, "Wacky Catholics." But yea, Good Friday isn't a good indicator of weather. Anyway, I have seedlings bursting my my kitchen, looking for soil. 

This week the zucchini will be put in the ground. I'm hoping the lettuce, radishes and tomatoes won't be too far behind. the pepper seedlings are resisting, so they may end up waiting for Good Friday after all. The beans, cucumbers and Polly's prized pumpkins are already flourishing in their new digs.  

We are short on fertilizer--something that happens to be imported from the Ukraine of all places. Instead, we bought a compost bin that will be delivered tomorrow. We also discovered last week that Luna hasn't met a mound of dirt she doesn't like, so we ended up investing in a small fence that seems to be a reasonable deterrent. 

In the front of the house I've got dahlias, sunflowers (can't wait!), tulips, crocus and morning glories. Hopefully this summer I will have a colorful yard and a tasty salad. 

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