Sunday, June 12, 2022

The Social Challenge

In an effort to meet people and potentially make friends at some point, I've challenged myself to find two social events each week. When it looked like this remodeling project was going into extra innings, I changed my parameters and opted for eight social events each month--which averages out. It is difficult to find anything social to do when I'm babysitting Luna in the master bedroom for hours on end. 

Generally one of my weekly social events is coffee and donuts after church. Sitting and talking with friendly folks has been enjoyable. I like our church. I don't like the fact that, in order to do the coffee and donuts (neither of which I consume) meet and greet I have to go to the 8:30 a.m. mass. I'd rather go to the later service.  

At one point, I felt so alone that I walked the aisles of Hobby Lobby, drumming up 15-second chats with shoppers. Please excuse me if I sound pathetic--I don't mean to. In fact, I'm pleased with my progress. Making friends in a small town was harder than I imagined. But I will do it. I don't need a lot of people in my life. But I'd love to find one or two local women whom I have something in common with. 

I've met a few neighbors on my morning walks--though morning walks don't count those as social events. But at least I'm getting to know those in my community. Plus, one of my neighbors, Mr. Ray, suggested I look into a gardening club. I may do that. I'm not ready for that kind of social at this point. I was thinking more of a once a month book club (which I haven't found). 

During the beginning of the great bathtub remodel, I counted sitting at the bathtub dealer's counter for 45 minutes talking to a group of plumbers as part of my weekly social events. It was the first time all week I'd gotten out of the house and they were a fun bunch. Imagine if you will, a group of plumbers asking me why their wives do this and that. 

"How long have you been married?" I asked one of them. 

"Thirty seven years." 

"I may not be the expert for you then." 

"Trust me, you speak lady. I'm not fluent," he said.  

Last week, in addition to church, I had dinner with Abby. I have no idea what this week has in store for me. But hopefully my social calendar won't include plumbers. 

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