Bonus Dad left yesterday morning. We had a great time up in Hot Springs at the botanical garden and at the Texarkana car museum this past weekend. Plus, there was a lot of bumming around, visiting and gardening help from him. All of it was perfect. He called me last night to tell me he made it to Roswell--10 hours from here. His next stop (today) will be Eastern Arizona, where he will spend a couple of weeks before heading back to Phoenix. I miss him already.
Buckaroo has been quickly learning the saxophone. He is up to, Hot Crossed Buns and Mary Had a Little Lamb. He's hoping for Yackey Sax by the end of the semester. I've put a request in for When the Saints go Marching In, which he has no interest in learning to play.
According to the Texarkana News and Metro Reports' Facebook Page--the same credible source that tells me when there was a 90-gazillion foot rattler on the local high school football field--there is no gasoline to be found anywhere in Texarkana. Nobody seems to know if this is a temporary issue or a long-term situation. Good thing I have nowhere to go until Friday. Then, I might have a teensy problem. However, I have a full tank. Buck is low on gas. Polly just filled up. Marty works a mile from home, he can walk if necessary. Looks like Buck will be carpooling with Polly to school and he and I will be sharing a car for him to get to work.
Polly has two concerts with the Texarkana Community Chorale in the next two weeks. One is at the college. One is in downtown Texarkana. We will all be going, provided our cars have enough fuel to get us the four miles.
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