Then, I started painting the boards for the garden. I'm painting them green because 1) I have green paint and 2) there is no place to buy paint at 1 a.m. even if I did want another color. Here's something I learned since I moved here: painting takes a lot longer to dry in wet weather than it does in the dessert. When I finally called it a night around 4 a.m., the boards were still too wet to move. As I write this, I have 12 more to paint. If the weather holds, I will be planting spinach this weekend.
Something else I've learned since I moved here is this: the outdoor spigots are inconveniently located in dark corners around my home. In order to wash out my paintbrush, I'd need to traverse--in the dark--to a remote corner of my home and hope there wasn't a critter hanging out there trying to get out of the rain. Don't laugh. I'm not sure I want to take on a giant lizard/possum/armadillo/"occasional copperhead"* armed with a paintbrush and flipflops. So, I didn't wash the paintbrush. I used an old trick my father taught me when in the middle of a painting job, I wrapped the paintbrush in foil and threw it in the freezer for tonight's insomnia marathon.
*About six months after I moved into the house, I asked my realtor if snakes were an issue. She said, "Other than the occasional copperhead, no."
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