Saturday, April 1, 2023

Not One Little Bit

Because I'm still a licensed agent and for reasons too long to go into in this corner of cyber-space, my Arizona brokerage is still open for the next month. However, I'm not missing the Arizona real estate world. There, I said it. Why? Lately, on the super-secret Arizona real estate Facebook site, there have been a few stories that have given me heart palpitations. 

  • Apparently a seller has sold a property twice--that would be two contracts at the same time on one house. Unfortunately, the seller, nor the agent, mentioned this to either set of buyers until after the earnest money was unrefundable. Oh... I want to be a fly on the wall for this meeting with the attorneys.
  • I'm reading about bidding wars again--though I'm seeing the same in small markets like Texarkana as well. Inventory is low. Buyers are panicking. 
  • There are multiple stories of unprofessional agents. An agent who personally threatened me a couple of years ago (and later apologized in a text by saying, "I haven't been myself,") has been posting about his antics. I hope someone nails this guy to the wall.  
  • There are some listing agents insisting the buyer's agent pay $175 to submit their client's offer. I question the validity--I saw it happening before I left on a small scale. But I wonder why more brokers aren't crying foul. I was so enraged by this practice that the other day I put on my Big Girl Broker Voice (tm) and said my piece on the super-secret Facebook site. 
  • An agent shared a story about a builder raising the price after a contract was executed by $75,000 and then telling the buyer if they wanted the "original price quoted" they needed to fire their agent so they could get a $75,000 discount. Please never buy a new build without a real estate agent. EVER. 
  • Agents are telling their tales about crazy markets, squatters and Home Owner Associations overstepping. I'm hearing about rental nightmares and short-term rental craziness. 

At this point, I'm convinced being a real estate agent has to be the most dysfunctional of all dysfunctional occupations. As for me, I'm enjoying my sanity. 

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