Friday, June 9, 2023

Bonus Dad Week

Bonus Dad has been here this week. Hanging out. He helped me with my never-ending saga of weeding the front flower bed. He came to the Community Garden Coalition Meeting on Tuesday and the Community Garden Volunteer Day on Wednesday. Perhaps the Volunteer Day was a wee bit too much for him. He looked winded an hour and a half into the whole thing, so I made up some silly reason to the Powers that Be why we had to go. 

He was a great sport about me carting him hither and yon. We hung out for an afternoon in Washington Arkansas, a small town about 40 miles from here that was founded pre-civil war. It also boasts the world's largest magnolia tree. We also high-tailed it to the Atlanta Texas historical museum one afternoon to see the Jenny Wing biplane. Bonus Dad was an aeronautical engineer years ago. 

On his last day, we just chillaxed on Arizona Avenue. In the afternoon I gave him the Texarkana nickel tour, taking him to all the major sites in town: another community garden, a drive by the jail, which straddles two states, the courthouse/post office which also straddles two states, downtown Texarkana and Spring Lake Park--which has a B-17 displayed on the grounds. Then, we checked out the new Andy's Frozen Custard which opened up. It is no exaggeration to say Andy's is probably in the top 10 best restaurants in Tex-Town. I even thought so before I became reacquainted with their yumminess. 

In between the trips and the plants, we were just us. He took cat naps in the afternoon. We discussed books and authors. We watched Perry Mason (Marty's and my latest binge). We talked history and politics. We shared memories and stories. He petted Luna and said hello to Finn. He loved on my kids and my kids loved on him. And I enjoyed every moment with him. 

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