I am part of the Texarkana Community Garden Coalition. This isn't part of the Master Gardener program, though there are several Master Gardeners who attend. There are also several who are not Master Gardeners who attend. This program is through the Bowie County Health Department. They have a grant to put gardens throughout the city of Texarkana (I don't know why only Texarkana and not Wake Village, which is also in Bowie County).
We have four gardens, where anyone who wants a veg of some sort, can just walk up to the plant and grab what they need. Jonesing a tomato? Cucumber? Basil? Okra? Cantaloupe? Pumpkin? Yellow Squash? Yep, help yourself.
This has been one of the most rewarding parts of my life here. Sometimes our Tuesday group plays with plants, sometimes we meet and discuss ideas to keep the gardens going for next year.
Somewhere along the lines, we decided to have a local cooking show, showcasing the produce we've growing in the gardens. Though I know how to cook, I will not be in front of the camera. However, today I came up with about 16 different recipes.
But like every great media concept, it needs to have a catchy jingle, right? At least that's what we were told by the Powers That Be. And nope, we couldn't move forward with this project until we got a jingle.
One phone call and an hour and a half later, Polly, a music major, wrote and sang our jingle.
Which brings me to this: Polly was commissioned today to write a jingle for Bowie County.