Wednesday, August 2, 2023

An Ironic Twist

 I took Polly to Deb's Church of Christ's Sunday meet and greet this past week. Honestly, I hadn't been since April. And, I thought about not going this month as well, but I knew Polly--who had been invited by Deb months ago--really wanted to check this out. 

There happened to be six (including me) Coronas among the 25+ women who showed up (So, these are your friends, Mom? Wait! You have friends?"). The Coronas have heard me mention on occasion Polly is a music major. And they didn't forget. I won't say they conspired, but Leah (who happens to teach at Polly's school) did announce to the crowd she knew Polly could sing and maybe they could all encourage her to give a concert. Suzy, by the way, seconded the idea. And Deb and Cindy chimed in. All night. 

Before December 17, 2021, Polly tended to keep to herself. She had a couple of friends she saw sometimes. I don't recall her bothering to say good-bye to most of them when we moved. In fact, I'm pretty sure she only stays in touch with one of them. When she arrived in Texarkana, she blossomed into this entirely different person. She's outgoing. She has a really great group of friends. She is in the student council. However, even with Polly's new-found sense of adventure, I would never have expected her to agree to sing in front of a room of strangers. 

After a lot of encouragement--and accusations from her that I set this up, which I did not, and Leah promised it was her idea--what do you know? Polly belted out two beauties to this impromptu audience. They listened in a stunned silence as she sang in her operatic soprano voice. And then, they gave her a rousing standing ovation. She earned every clap, cheer and smile from these women. It was all her talents. 

I'd like to point out this little tid-bit though. None of them knew it, but the two songs she sang to this Church of Christ crowd just happened to be Catholic hymns.  

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