Monday, January 15, 2024

Hotel Texarkana

 "You can check out any time you like, but you can never leave." --Hotel California, The Eagles

The minutes from last week's Ladies Auxiliary meeting came in. I thought it was a mistake they sent it to me, because I'd made it clear I was no longer part of this group. In the event there was a miscommunication, I opened the notes, hoping somewhere in there it might be documented that I wasn't part of this group any more. Instead, I found two bits-o-shenanigans. 

1. Though I said very clearly in September that I would not be the secretary of this group, according to the minutes, I am the group's official secretary. In the event I opt to loose my mind and join them again, I will do such a horrible job they will immediately fire me from the position I DO NOT HOLD NOR AGREED TO HOLD IN THE FIRST PLACE.* 

2. The minutes also read said I was taking a break for a "month or two." 

I'd e-mail the person who is "covering" for me--it said that in the minutes too--and correct the record, but I think I'm just gonna let them be them. It makes for good blog fodder and life it too short to be worked up about their audacity. Revenge will be mine. I'm writing a fiction series about the Catholic Church in the Diocese of Tyler. I think there might need to be a Ladies Auxiliary Club in one of my books.  

*For the record, if I wanted to be part of this group AND they had asked me, I would have happily obliged. It isn't that difficult to take a few notes and read a few letters. 

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