I'm back in Texarkana after a whirlwind trip to Little Rock with Deb, The Queen of the Coronas. We arrived Tuesday night, ate Indian food, hung out at the hotel with a glass of wine in our hands and laughed for hours.
Wednesday poor Deb went in for her necessary reconstructive facial surgery. When I brought her back to the hotel, she kept telling me to "be sure to get some lunch." HAHAHA. Here's a woman who had three holes put into her head, part of her skull bored into, cartilage moved from one place to another, has blood spurting from her face (normal for this procedure) and hopped up on hydrocodone and she's worried I'm not meeting my daily caloric intake. Bless her heart.
Protip: Leftover Indian food is just as tasty the second day.
I took my role as nursemaid/prison guard seriously and Deb took her role as Alpha patient just as seriously. Me: "You are three hours post-op and need to lay down." Deb: "I'm fine. I can get my own water." (she really couldn't and I didn't want her to fall.) Me. "If you don't get back in bed, I'm going to take a picture of you and send it to the Coronas." And that reminds me, I was in charge of the group texts--which started at 7 a.m. Wednesday and still haven't ended.
Thursday morning we I drove Deb's car back in fog, rain and zero visibility. All the while, Deb was applying her imaginary passenger-side break pedal. I can't say I blame her, I was applying the real break pedal. However, the fastest I got along that stretch of Interstate 30 was still twenty miles an hour under the speed limit. After a very long drive, we stopped in Hope Arkansas where we met friends who handed off a weeks' worth of groceries for Deb to nosh on.
Deb is home and resting. Corona Krissy is keeping her company today. Corona Jilly sent me a text asking if I knew what Deb's favorite candy happened to be. Deb can't drive for a week--the word has gone out and folks are lining up to get her from point A to point B. Next week Corona Gail is taking Deb to her follow up appointment. Hopefully the driving conditions will be better.
For the record, I did find a naval orange. And it was tasty.