Friday, January 17, 2025

Winter's Wicked Game

We are expecting winter weather this next week. The weather broadcast Polly religiously watches is predicting snow next week for Galveston--Galveston!!!! As for where I live, the jury is out on precipitation. However, we are slated to to drop into the teens every night starting tomorrow. 

Normally I don't mind winter weather staying in January. However, our heater went out this morning with an ozone-induced fizzle, making those who were home scramble to ensure we didn't have a fire burning anywhere. Buck ventured into the attic and nosed around only to find out the strong burning electrical smell just happened to be coming from there. 

The unit is under warranty. However, the guy who put it in is out of town until late Saturday night. The earliest he can come out is Sunday morning, when Marty will greet him at 10 a.m. come hell or high icebergs. Hopefully he has the part on-hand to fix whatever broke. 

As for the Sunshine's, we'll be fine. Polly is house sitting for Tessa this week. So, anyone who has more desert rat attitude than pioneer spirit can lodge with her. I have long underwear, wool blankets and a burning desire to introvert. Plus, someone needs to keep Luna company. 

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