Tuesday, July 11, 2017

The Broken Gem

I am not whining. I am humbled. Very humbled. Humbled and, at the moment, heat exhausted. Our extra car--a car we are grateful to have and is in great shape for the age--went down twice this week. I suspect one issue was related to the other. The second time I was 50 miles from home in 118 degree heat. The auto club came 90 minutes later and was willing to tow it 5 miles for free and then would expect me to pay $5 a mile after that. It is hard to argue, much less think, when one is stuck and sweltering in the Saturday afternoon sun.

In the end, cooler heads prevailed. The car went to my brother's home, which is 7 miles from where it broke down. Since then, I hear, my four year old nephew is showing Auntie's car to everyone who comes by. He then tells the story about how he and his daddy rescued me and I bought him a cheese stick--which Aunties do for awesome nephews.

Later this week I will figure out a way to get it to a mechanic where they will tell me it is the ignition switch--my most positive guess--or the alternator--what I don't want to hear. The car will then be up and running, though the logistics of how to pick it up in North Phoenix haven't been ironed out just yet. Fortunately I have family and friends who love me enough to help me out, or at least give me bus fare.

Marty and I were talking about getting a "new" car, but the fact is, until we are done with this phase in our lives, it isn't an option. I am ok with that, Marty, a gadget junkie, is struggling a bit more. What I find humbling, he doesn't.

But please understand, I am not whining. I am very grateful to have this car--so is Marty. Marty is afraid of cars breaking. For as long as I have known him he has had this concern. I am not. Cars can be fixed. So, until the AC gives out, this car is a gem.

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