So, I was contacted repeatedly by this couple--past clients--to sell their home. I gave them my best, based on experience and all the data I had available, guestimate and it was $35,000 off what Zillow promised them. So, they didn't use me. They also didn't get the discounted commission that goes with being my repeat client. I always suspected the wife hated me anyway, she sure made my life a living hell last time we did a sale together.
Marty says this is a blessing in disguise. I know he is right. I couldn't in good conscience have listed this house so far off what it was worth. It would have been doing them a disservice. Plus I would have been abused by the wife for my inability to sell her home. I have lost sales before for similar reasons (wives hating me, pricing, I wasn't the right agent, whatever) and I have probably gotten listings because the clients went with the agent who promised them the moon and couldn't deliver. It all works out in the end. If they can get this outrageous price, the more power to them. I hope they do get their price.
Anyway, here are the pictures the agent chose to put in the MLS. The home is actually really cute. Unfortunately, you probably can't tell. Just to be clear, there are no living room, family room or bedroom photos. I assure you the home has all of them. You can see the kitchen picture below. These are in order of appearance as one would see them on the MLS, Zillow,, etc.

This is the primary picture on the listing. So, everyone sees this first.

There are two of these pictures in MLS.

The kitchen. There are two of these in the MLS too.

This is the ONLY front of the home and yard picture

I love the shadow on the right.
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