What do you call it when you are still active within your profession but not earning money? Volunteering perhaps? With agency laws in place, that isn't exactly what I am doing because that would land my behind in front of a judge. Instead, what I am doing, is sitting quietly in my office after Buckaroo and I have gone through his school work, contemplating what I want to cook for dinner. My phone isn't ringing and that is fine by me.
What I am also doing is offering to serve on a few real estate related committees (I haven't been picked yet, so who knows?). I am working on a specific real estate related certification. I am taking classes. And, I sort of agreed to join the Woman's Council or Realtors because Jane is going to be on the board. So is Mrs. Hufflepuff. Maybe I will net a trip to New Zealand out of it. But probably not.
I am also letting Scott, my graphic artist put together my latest newsletter, which will go out in a week or two. I have post cards to go out when I feel up to it as well. Will these net me clients? Maybe. It is fine if it doesn't.
A few months ago, Marty told me he was ok if I slowed down. I wasn't as ok about it then. I am more ok about it now. There is a certain amount of ego attached to starting a brokerage and keeping it running. The fact is, I have been profitable and I can still be profitable if I slow down. I am not closing up shop, just taking a breather for the first time in almost 16 years. Essentially, I am not actively seeking clients for a while (no open houses!), but if one lands in my lap, I will be happy to help them. I also have the Felons, one of whom still wants to buy a home from me.
There are a few projects I want to actively pursue. One of which is just being a mom and not having 27 other things on my plate. This luxury wasn't an option even two years ago when the accidental business was still kicking around. There are other activities on my plate too. None of which I am prepared to discuss right now. They are more like passion projects and they excite me.
This sabbatical may last a week. It may last a month or more. I like this quiet space I have carved out and am going to enjoy it right now.
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