Monday, November 26, 2018

The Pineapple Squish-Fest

A couple of weeks ago, the East Valley Chapter of the Woman's Council of Realtors had their officer installation. Jane invited me (omitting the slight tid-bit it was a $35 entrance fee for the honor of watching this Squish-fest). Mrs. Hufflepuff was being installed as the Grand Poobah, and had orchestrated a pineapple-themed event in her honor.

Pineapples--someone painted the gold glitter paint
on the fruit and called it a centerpiece.
There were pineapple salt and pepper shakers (nobody used)
and pineapple table runners. There were
also other pineapple-centric stuff in other places. 
Seriously, pineapples. There was pineapple juice served. There were a variety of pineapple-type foods available to eat. I had none, as I am allergic to the damn fruit. But, apparently pineapples represent women because (and I am not making this up) they have "a crown, are hard on the outside and sweet in the middle."

And who says the woman's movement hasn't progressed in the past several millennia?

There was a great speaker--someone I admire, who has been in the real estate industry for 55 years. I first met this man back in 2002 when I interviewed him for the magazine I worked for. I may have had a teensy case of morning sickness in his office the day I interviewed him. But hopefully he doesn't remember. And even if he does, I didn't introduce myself this time around. In truth, hearing him speak was worth the price of admission.

I should also mention there were probably as many men at the Woman's Council of Realtors installation as there were women. Perhaps they were spouses (Mr. Jane showed up for this). But I think a few are regulars who come just to troll looking for a date.

In addition to the pineapple take-away, there was the introduction of past-Poobahs, speeches by several of them and lots of polite clapping. The exiting Poohbah had a long and heartfelt, tearful goodbye, promising to all of us in the room she would be right there for Mrs. Hufflepuff. Then they hugged.

There was a lot of hugging.

A lot.

There was an awards ceremony too. Jane was publicly thanked for auditing the WCR books last year. It was insinuated there might have been some financial shenanigans in the past and Jane may have personally caught something nobody wanted caught. Anyway, she got an award for it. And that was pretty awesome for her. I clapped loudly, because that was something significant that I am glad (for them) was addressed. It isn't a big surprise. If anyone could find financial shenanigans, it would be Jane.

Jane's Well-Earned Award
Then came the actual installation of officers--by the way, Jane is now the new Treasurer. The person running the meeting called up the new officers to the front, and as they started walking, she gave a lengthy description of what each officer was going to do. The officer (who was still walking to the stage) was to say, "I will" or something along those lines, but they were busy trying not to trip and make their way up front, so I have no idea if they even knew what they were agreeing to. Once the officer (who said "I will") got to the stage, they got some sort of trinket and a hug.

Mrs. Hufflepuff's lengthy description wasn't nearly as a long as her acceptance speech--which was too bad because the meeting had started a half hour late and I had an appointment I needed to get to. However, I was sitting in one of those awkward places, where getting up and leaving would have been impolite or caused a mutiny from all of us who wanted to leave. Or both.

I can't tell you what Mrs. Hufflepuff said, but I am sure she promised to make it a fun year. She gave a lengthy history of WCR. She also thanked everyone from the very first WCR Poobah to her three year old son. And when I say thanked, I mean, it was a personal, heart-felt thank you. For Each.And.Every.One.Of.Them.

I am not joining the Women's Council of Realtors for a myriad of reasons. I will go to meetings when Jane insists and perhaps visit a couple of happy hours (Jane has been insisting on this too). They have a few community events worth noting as well. I am sure Jane or Mrs. Hufflepuff will let me know if they want me there. But, no. In general, I can't wrap my head around this group.

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