Dana contacted me. Throughout the course of 16 years, I have helped her, her ex-husband and her current husband move a total of six times. So, I kind of know her. Anyway, she wants to sell her current home. She bought it at the exact right time and has at least doubled her equity. However, she is "in debt" and has decided to sell.
Now I would love to help her and sell this house, but I also want a place in Heaven. Selling this house is not going to solve the long-term issue. First, her mortgage is super-low. Did I mention she bought this house back in 2008 and paid almost nothing? Second, anywhere she rents or buys is going to cost her more than what she is paying for her current mortgage. She said her budget for rent is $1000 a month. I can't find anything for rent in a neighborhood she wants to live in for under $1000. Third, her debt isn't really that much. Of course, it is a small fortune to her. I get it. And fourth, she has done this very activity before with her now-ex husband. It didn't resolve anything then.
What truly has to change is behaviors. I know this. It isn't me being self-righteous. It is just an independent observer on the outside looking in. Dramatic shifts, like moving, will pay off the debt and leave her with extra, but it won't really resolve the poverty mindset. She has to do that on her own.
Tomorrow I am meeting with her and her husband. We are going to sit down and see what makes sense. And if this makes me the worst salesperson on Earth, so be it. I would love to have the listing but I think they would be foolish to move.
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