Saturday, February 16, 2019

Agent Fighting

I am having significant trouble with Ari's home sale. Ari is one of Dee's felons. His mother is a pain and some day I am going to hunt her down and give her my best "bless your heart." Then I am going to go see Bliz (who lives in the same state as Mama Bear) and drink copious amounts of wine. But, that's for another day.

Right now, Mama Bear is managed. I won't talk with her. But the agent on the other end of the sale is a different matter all together.

This agent is sloppy and his work scares me. I have caught him in multiple lies and he has sent me paperwork for old sales instead of the one we have in escrow. Yesterday, I called his broker--which is one of the big no-no's in the business. It is like breaking a rule back in 6th grade, bypassing the principal and going straight to the Superintendent's office.

In fact, prior to calling the broker, I called El Jefe and asked the best way to handle the situation. After giving me loads of grief ("What? You don't have all the answers? You're a broker, figure it out...") he gave me some solid advice. The agent isn't happy with me, nor has he done what I asked him to do (and what the contract says he is to do), but my client is protected.

There was also an event this morning, and after three minutes of this guy playing the victim, Marty says I got "snotty." Maybe I did. But dang! A bit of professionalism goes a long way.

Later today I am sending a notice to his broker to escalate yesterday's situation. It is like being called into the US Department of Education's office for the 6th grade rule break. It won't be received well, but I would be surprised if the agent wasn't expecting it.

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