Monday, February 4, 2019

Corey and His Cousin

Though Facebook makes me twitchy, I belong to a couple of real estate groups that I find useful. The one in the image above is a national group and I often find some of the ideas they share to be of value.

This agent posted this text he received from his cousin. My heart felt for him. The general public has a perception that real estate agents are snake oil sales folks. Some are. Most are hard working and have kids who are addicted to electricity and groceries. We work for a living. We just don't get paid until the home closes. This kind of thing above is disappointing. It is a risk we take, and work our buns off to make sure our clients (even ones who aren't family and friends) are happy so they don't send texts like this.

Frankly, family and friends are the roughest clients at times. There can be a strange dynamic where the client (friend/family) seems to think they are doing us a favor by hiring us. I have one family member who flat-out told me he will never hire me. Nothing personal. I have another family member who has given me a bunch of business. 

I have had family/friend-clients I have fired--and others I wouldn't represent if they begged. Conversely, I have had family/friend clients who have worked out splendidly. I am at a place in my business now where I won't put up family and friends who treat me like they are doing me a favor. I hope Corey gets there soon. Working for free is not as satisfying as one would think when there are hungry children at home.

Last I checked, the agent had more than 500 replies. I also added my thoughts: Take the high road. It is boring, but his karma will thank him eventually.

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