Wednesday, March 6, 2019


I hadn't heard from Inga in a few days. I had called and texted, but no response. Given she has a few health issues and a felon making ugly comments, I was concerned. So, I called her estranged husband Liam, just to make sure. With no return call from him, I went on my merry way, figuring someone would notice a sign in their front yard and eventually I might hear back.

Well, I did. It was Liam, the estranged husband. He started his phone call with the, "How are you...?" emphasizing the "you" as about sixteen syllables. Frankly, at that point nothing else needed to be said.

Well wouldn't you know! Liam was calling to tell me Inga has decided, once again, not to sell the house. And would I kindly take down my sign? Also, they want to "reimburse" me for my time and expenses. But, he hastily added, they have no money, so as long as my time and expenses were free, they could pay up.

I probably should feel worse about this, but I kind of figured this was a train wreck. I liked having my sign in the yard because it was free advertising. Now I need to figure out a way to find a high-functioning client instead.

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