Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Tax Season

In the old days, I would waltz into Diamond Jim's CPA office this time of year with a box of Girl Scout cookies for him. After a few pleasantries and an exchange of stories about his grand kids and my two littles, we would get down to business. Some time later I would stop back by his office and pick up my tax returns. We would joke around for a moment or two and I would be on my way.

Then, generally the week before April 15, Marty or I would bring him lunch every day just because he was our friend. If we had leftovers at dinner, it wasn't unheard of for us to stop by with a plate of home cooking for him either. Around April 17 he and I would meet at Cindy's Cafe for breakfast while he caught up on what was happening in the world for the last three and a half months.

I miss those days. Especially this time of year. I miss Diamond Jim. The man he is today is not the man he was before. That friendship is gone and all that is left is some sweet memories. 

I don't like my new CPA for three reasons. 

1. He sent out an introduction letter to Marty and I last year, that pushed his politics and his opinion about the current state of the Union. I don't care about his politics and I certainly don't think it has any place in a business environment. And I for damn sure don't want to be preached at by someone who I am hiring--even if I agree or disagree. 

2. He sent me out a letter saying when my appointment was supposed to be to see him. I had no say in it. Last year I pushed back, as he gave me Good Friday, and that wasn't going to happen. This year I did not, because it worked out ok. But I would like to be able to schedule a time to get my taxes done that I choose. 

3. Last year he shared with me his neighbor is "loaded." And then proceeded to tell me a few personal things about the guy. My current CPA said the reason he knew this was because the neighbor is his client. 

Last year my current CPA managed to fix a lot of issues Diamond Jim caused before he retired. There is a term for this: forensic accounting. It is a thing. We paid dearly for this service, but it will probably save us in the future. 

I only deal with this dude for about three hours a year. And of course I don't remember the three reasons I don't like him until I am sitting in his office. So far, those reasons have not caused enough urgency for me to look for yet another CPA. With Marty threatening to find another job in another state, I have kind of put the search on hold. But maybe next year I will start looking around. 

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