It is crucial to know, as I don't represent the buyers or the sellers, either party could have a significant problem with me showing this property. And they should. Jane ran this by Mrs. Hufflepuff and verified it wasn't an issue with her brokerage. The selling agent SHOULD have a problem and probably should have showed up under the circumstances.
What could happen you ask? With no representation there, the parties might feel like they can just renegotiate. The sellers could be home and the buyers and sellers could start talking and work up a gentleman's agreement of items that may be illegal or are not in the contract. You would not believe how often this happens ("You don't need to fix the air conditioner, it's not that warm today...") . It never ends well. Additionally, the seller may not want someone who doesn't represent the buyer in their home. They live there.
Anyway, here was the madness to make sure I covered my bases.
E-mail to the seller's agent.
Hi Bev,
I am assisting Jane with Hufflepuff Realty while she is out of town. She has asked me escort her clients tonight, so they can view the property. She made this appointment last week for 5:30 this evening. I wanted to ensure the sellers will not be home. Also, I wanted to disclose to you, I don't work for her brokerage, I know nothing about the property, nor the contract.
If you would, please verify the sellers will not be home.
Thank you.
Reply e-mail from someone named "Terri"
Home is under contract
My response:
Hello Terri, I am aware the house is under contract. I am assisting the buyer's agent who made an appointment for her clients to see it tonight. which is what I wrote below. Please verify the sellers will not be home, as I have no agency with the buyers. Or, perhaps someone could return the phone call I left earlier if you need to discuss further.
Thank you,
Terri's response:
There was no voice mail.
My response:
That's unfortunate. I left it with Bev's voice mail. I haven't heard back from her. However, this does not really resolve my concern. I am: 1) verifying the appointment for this evening is still on. 2) confirming the sellers will not be home and 3) disclosing to Bev that I have no agency with either party, and I wanted to verify this would not be an issue.
This, apparently, was too complex for Terri and Bev was nowhere to be found. Ashley took over.
Jane confirmed this appt with me for tonight at 5:30 and the sellers will not be home.
But please do not just open the door and leave the clients inside the home with the key.
Of course! I will be with them the entire time. I just wanted to make sure everyone knew I don't have agency.
Nobody got back to me with a concern about the agency issue. I am guessing Bev didn't have a problem with it. Hopefully.
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