August is a busy month around these parts. Buckaroo started fire fighter school today. I love the fact he has a servant's heart and this is what he really wants to do. I don't love the fact my sweet little Buckaroo wants to put himself in danger.
Buckaroo also starts Mesa Community College in a few weeks. He is only taking two classes, and one is golf, but it is still a transition for him. And, like his mom, transitions aren't easy.
Additionally, Polly is starting Mesa Community College in a few weeks. However, she isn't going to the small satellite campus she's been at for years. She is going to the big, scary campus for four classes. Like her dad, she doesn't like changes, and this took a bit of coaxing for her to try something new.
Polly also has a birthday coming up. So do four other family members. August is our big birthday month. One of Polly's birthday gifts was a trip up north this past weekend to go hiking. Unfortunately, it was 100 degrees in Sedona. Then there was a spectacular monsoon and we saw and felt lightening strike inches from us. To be fair, we were sitting under the awning at the Sonic in Cottonwood, waiting out the storm when the lightening struck.
I have a trip planned to visit Bonus Dad later this month. We have talked about a few things to do. I don't care if all we do is sit around reading books and talking. However, I suspect he likes to be more active and all host-like when I come. It turns out Bonus Dad's son and two of the grand babies (who are 8 and 6) may still be visiting too, so that will be extra fun as well.
Then there's real estate. My little condo in Tempe took a price reduction today. That isn't a surprise, as we had agreed to lower the price after a certain amount of time. The condo is going on tour in a few days and hopefully I will get some feedback. At this point, I think it is a matter of just finding a buyer. Also, I am asking my realtor pal, John if he wants to hold it open this weekend.
I have another listing coming up too. It won't be on the market until September. But I will be able to start advertising it shortly.
There are other possible changes going on too. Some people make big transitions around the new year. Not me. I don't like transition and it takes me until around August to get everything in place. August is exhausting me. And it is only the 5th.
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