Friday, August 16, 2019

The 2019 Broker Lunch

I was only allergic to half
of the menu items. 
I went to the annual Broker Lunch last week. It was a nice distraction from Marty's interview, which was scheduled for that exact time. Last year I went with El Jefe*, who is a fun person, but doesn't exactly have the social graces one might look for in a dining accomplice at a professional function. I didn't make that mistake again.

This year, a friend and fellow broker and I carpooled. I haven't introduced my blog readers to my Broker friend, Kaye. But I adore her. I strive daily to be half as wonderful as her--which I fail miserably at. I hope some day to be half as worthy as simply a human. Kaye lives close by and we meet once a week for tea, or if the weather is permitting, a walk. The world needs more people like Kaye.

No, the world needs all people to be like Kaye.

On my other side, was another delight, Beth. I have met Beth a few times through Jane of all people. Beth is also a designated broker. Between the two of them, and others at our table, great conversation ensued. I even felt social and slightly less introverted.

Anyway, back to the lunch. The food was adequate. The first speaker was dynamic and interesting. He talked about cyber security. By the way, please don't use the same password for everything. And Dropbox is easily hacked. And change your password on a regular basis. Small businesses are the leading victims of cyber hacking and ransom ware. Good stuff, but scary.

The Association President explaining,
"Copper State Association" isn't
catchy enough.
We had another speaker who was the legal council from the Arizona Association of Realtors. Usually I like hearing the lawyers speak. However, she wasn't very well informed and talked to us brokers about matters that weren't relevant. That was disappointing.

At the end, we were give some exciting-to-someone news. We have a new name for our Realtor Association! We will be called--and I am not making this up--the, "West South East Valley Association of Realtors". WSEAR for short.

There had been a vote weeks back. I voted for "Copper State Realtor Association," which was one of the choices on the ballot. I must have been in the minority, because apparently most found West South East Valley Association of Realtors to be a more exciting name.

*In case you are interested, here is last year's lunch post.

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