Tuesday, September 10, 2019


I have an interview tomorrow for the appraisal assistant position. I told Jane about it a couple of weeks ago and gave her the guy's contact info. To be fair, I told him about her as well before I sent him my resume. Jane's interviewing too--but I haven't told her I am meeting with him. Besides, I am convinced she is a better fit. I'm totally ok with that too, because I am not sure I even want, or have time for, one more thing on my plate.

For the past few days I've been trying to think of how to distinguish myself as different or better candidate for this position than Jane. I just can't. She is organized. She likes paper. She is bossier than me--and we all know that's pretty damn bossy. She is detailed. She is sharp. My files may be organized, but my desk is not. Her desk is always organized. Always. Paper doesn't paralyze her. She likes going to Office Max. I need to have to have smelling salts administered 35 seconds after I walk in the door.

I want to learn about appraisals. My appraisal classes are starting soon. Working for an appraiser is a short-term way to gain a lot of inside knowledge. I would embrace that opportunity. But this dude is looking for an assistant to help him behind the scenes. It is paperwork and phone calls. What's best for him isn't a self-employed, demanding Type-A who will inadvertently control the interview process to see if I'm going to get along with him. What's best for him is someone who will take care of the everyday tasks to make sure his business is running the best it can be so that he can be the best he can be. This is honestly a no-brainer. If I were hiring an assistant and it was Jane or anyone else they wouldn't stand a chance. Jane totally rocks for this.

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