Once the, "Marty is interviewing" life stopped, we have managed to get back to normal. Granted, we have a lot less clutter in the home (the kids helped with some decluttering while I was in Michigan in anticipation for our upcoming move). It seems I had put my life on hold and hadn't realized it. Though I have been home since Tuesday night, I have been running like crazy.
This past week, I interviewed with a woman who wants to open a brokerage. She sought me out. I am not sure I am the best fit, and the more I think about it I just don't see this as win-win. However, I didn't say no. At least not yet. That said, she is looking at doing this at the beginning of 2020. I have given her some of my insight as a business owner. Perhaps if she is willing to incorporate some of my suggestions into her plan, I might be open to changing my mind. But right now I am pretty sure her vision doesn't work for me.
Plus, and I realize this is petty, but I like the name of my brokerage better than the name of her proposed brokerage. My brokerage is sorta an anagram of my kids' names. Plus, I like my brokerage name better. Did I mention that?
Oh yea, she is thinking about doing property management as part of her brokerage model. Ok, I need to stop right there. Her tender offer isn't sounding any better.
Yesterday I spoke with an appraiser about the state of the industry. You see, I am thinking about going to appraisal school. This has been on the bucket list for quite a while. However, I was waiting for Marty to get it together. The plan right now is to register for my first appraisal class soon. I am in no major hurry. It may take me six months of classes. Or, I may decide it isn't for me. I am pretty zen about it at the moment.
This appraisal guy is also looking to hire an assistant to work from home a few hours a week. I am super-over qualified--if you will, think of a chef applying for a hostess position. I am not sure I am terribly interested, but dang! What a way to get a behind the scenes education. Anyway, I sent him my over-qualified resume and said I would be interested in discussing further. What this might lead to, I don't know. Would I hire me if I were him? Probably not.
And finally, I am working on becoming a certified real estate instructor. This has also been on my bucket list for quite a while. More on this later. Like when I have something concrete to share. As of today, it is more like churning wet slurry. But there is an action plan in place.
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