Tuesday, May 31, 2022

The Wednesday Girls

I'm working on the Great American Novel. This story has been floating around in various stages of development for so long that Marty has threatened to claim Jessi, the main character, as a dependent on our taxes. Additionally, Buckaroo and Polly often bring Jessi up in conversation like she's a member of the family. 

The first draft of the story was completed on July 19, 2017. The very next day Bonus Mom suddenly passed away and I couldn't bear to deal with anything for the longest time. For the past year-ish I have made several edits and re-writes, but it wasn't until I moved to Texarkana that I started taking this project seriously. Part of taking this seriously has come from my Wednesday Girls. 

Every Wednesday I get together with a group of writers. We all have diverse backgrounds and our stories are all different. We go over our chapters and give feedback to each other. Jenny lives in Alabama (of all places) and is writing a young adult book like me. Ellen lives in the Netherlands. She has mad dialogue skills. Annie lives in Ecuador and is writing a romance book, which she intends to make into a fabulous series (I'm already hooked). Both Ellen's and Annie's native languages are Spanish (Ellen is not originally from The Netherlands) and it blows me away how phenomenal they write in English. 

My Great American Novel project was so important to me that when I negotiated to work at the ole Brokerage, I insisted on Wednesdays off. In fact, the only Wednesday Girls meetings I've missed thus far were the two weeks where my father was actively dying and the week he passed away. 

I haven't made many (or frankly, any) friends since I moved to Texarkana. Its been very lonely. But I can count on my Wednesday Girls to bring me up and keep me from being a total recluse. Sometime when my story is out in the world, I hope to thank them for helping me feel attached during this time of transition. 

Who knows? Maybe they will also help me flush out the Texarkana serial killer story that's also brewing in my head. 

Monday, May 30, 2022

Texarkana Food Musings

I have not recovered from my trip. I am not sick, but I have zero energy. I have slept no less than 14 hours a day since I returned. Darwin suggested I eat more fats--which given I live in Texarkana is pretty easy to do. I believe the basic tenant of all Texarkana restaurateurs is that food must be deep fried. That could be why we don't go out to eat much. My guess about the exhaustion is I ate too much wheat (I have an intolerance) coupled with not enough sleep last week. But just to be sure, today I added an avocado to my meal before I took another nap. 

Speaking of food, we have the first tomato and jalapeno from the garden. I don't have a picture of the pepper because it has already been consumed. Trust me, it was tasty. 

But that tomato! Squee! And, there are more of these to come. My experience growing tomatoes in Phoenix were these golf-ball sized tomatoes with thick, sunburned skin. Plus, it took $300 a month in water to get two tomatoes every season.

Later today, I am harvesting the garden's spinach and making egg bites for the week. A family favorite (egg bites being egg, spinach, sausage and cheese baked in a muffin tin and eaten throughout the week). 

And finally, Marty and I found a worthy taco stand. The place is only open on the weekends and we were warned prior it was standing room only. Our four tacos and (an authentic) tamale came out to $13. And it was the best food we have tasted since we got here. And nope, it wasn't deep fried.     

Sunday, May 29, 2022

Grocery Shopping

I should mention I came back from Phoenix with 10 jars of peanut butter, six boxes of decaf tea, several containers of the family's favorite coffee (I don't drink the stuff) and a minivan load full of other boxes, jars and bags of food items that can't seem to be found in Texarkana.  

As far as I'm concerned, if I have the right peanut butter, I don't need much else. However, I might have to find a closer source for some of these when we run out next time. 

Saturday, May 28, 2022

Texarkana Employment Problems

Polly applied for an interesting job at a golf course. She was thrilled when the golf course called her, asking her to interview. Then she found out the job was 30 miles away in Ashdown Arkansas. 

It wasn't the drive that bothered her the most. After all, this was back country roads with some beautiful scenery. The job itself was on a lake in a resort setting. What bothered her (other than the price of gasoline--which was a huge factor) was the fact that working in Ashdown meant she would have to pay Arkansas state taxes. If the job were in Texarkana Arkansas, there would be a tax boundary exception, as Texarkana Arkansas residents do not pay Arkansas state taxes. For those who work or live in the other surrounding towns, the same does not hold true. 

Today she has an interview at a company two miles from home. She isn't as excited about the position, not that I blame her. The golf course job sounded like fun. 

Friday, May 27, 2022

The Great Bathroom Remodel is Fix'n To Be Soon

I came home from Arizona to great news. The hall bathroom remodel is happening next week. Probably. Like most events in the South* the timeline is kind of nebulous and left for interpretation. But from what I understand from Mr. Ben, the plumber, we are set for Tuesday afternoon. 

The bathroom remodel has been five months in the making. When I went house hunting last December, I had five properties to choose from. Even without a working tub/shower in the hall bath, this was by far the best of the lot. 

The big challenge was simply finding someone to do the level and quality of work I wanted. I got three bids. 

Bid 1 offered to put the new bathtub in, but wouldn't install tile around the outside of the bathtub. For that, I was on my own and no, they had no idea where I could find someone who could help me. 

Bid 2 offered to put the bathtub in and install a fiberglass surround. I don't want a fiberglass surround. I want tile. This is a tile bathroom kind of neighborhood.

Bid 3--Mr. Ben.--was willing to pull out the old tub, put in the new (letting me select what I wanted for a tub) and was bringing in Mr. Tony to handle the tile work. 

Mr. Tony has been the outlier. Apparently he is so talented, that he is booked up far in advance. At the time I contracted the bathtub (January), Mr. Tony was scheduled out until next week. Hopefully he is only scheduled out until next week. I haven't exactly gotten confirmation he is coming after Mr. Ben to finish the tile. My last text from Mr. Ben said, that Mr. Tony "probably" could start next week. 

*Texarkana Texas does not, in any way, think they are part of the South, and to suggest otherwise is akin to blasphemous. Four miles East of here, in Texarkana Arkansas, those residents are proud to be Southern and brag about their lineage. I have news for the Texarkana Texas folks. This Yankee knows Southern when she sees it. 

Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Back Home

Buck and I left El Paso at 4 a.m. and managed to make it home around 6:30 last night. That's a pretty good run for 800 miles. Though I wasn't expecting this to be the case, I ended up driving the entire way. The last 70 miles or so, Buck played all the 1980s heavy metal he could find to keep me awake. I don't know what surprised him more, that I knew the words, or I started making requests.  

It took us more than two hours to drive through Dallas because of traffic, accidents, road closures and a GPS with a sick sense of humor. However, I doubt the traffic was any heavier than driving through Phoenix. The difference being, I can get anywhere in Maricopa County without navigating a freeway if I have to. I just need to learn Dallas/Fort Worth roads.  

I slept 8 hours last night, but it is 8:30 right now and I think I'm going to take a quick nap before I start my day. Polly said she'd listen for the sprinkler guy and show him what he needs to do if/when he shows up this morning. Hopefully I will be caught up on my sleep by this weekend. 

Sunday, May 15, 2022


And I thought driving through Dallas would be a chore!

Buckaroo and I are currently in El Paso. We are grateful we have made it thus far. Alphonse, the minivan, has been a bit persnickety. And because of that, our plans have changed. Buck will no longer have a vehicle when he gets to Mesa. Why? Because the check engine light has been on since Abilene. The "This Vehicle Requires Maintenance" warning has been flashing since we changed time zones. And the AC doesn't like us very much when we go up a hill--which, oddly enough there are several in the 797 miles I've driven today. 

And by the way, in case there's any doubt in my opinion between hot-heat and humidity-hot, I will take humidity-hot! It was 109 when we stopped for gas in Pecos at 5 p.m. tonight. 

On a positive note, I ate real Mexican food tonight for dinner--even if it was tacos. They were tasty. And we will be spending tomorrow with Mrs. Meadows in Nowhere Arizona--provided Alphonse cooperates. 

My brother Squirrel and Marty are making a grand effort to find one of the three mechanics we like in Maricopa County to take Alphonse to when I arrive Tuesday afternoon. Hopefully we can get him in tip-top shape for the drive home. If that doesn't work, and you have a mechanic you can recommend who can work in a Toyota Sienna and get him up and running correctly by Friday, please hit me up.  

Friday, May 13, 2022


Next week I'm taking Buck back to Phoenix. Originally, it was me, putting Buck on a plane and letting him go back to Phoenix. Then it was me, driving to Dallas (sigh), and putting him on a plane. That turned into me driving through Dallas (double sigh) and into a road trip to Phoenix for the two of us. 

Buck will be staying (with my car) with his buddy in Mesa while I am 50 miles away in Peoria at my brother's house. Kindly, Squirrel is loaning me a car as well. However, I will be in the East Valley for all or part of at least three consecutive days for graduation ceremonies and festivities. Plus, I am seeing my hairstylist who is promising to work some magic on this unfortunate and unplanned Texas mullet I got back in January that can't seem to grow out fast enough. 

My challenge is managing the rest of my time. After 53 years, I have a lot of history in Phoenix. There are many people there I love and truly want to spend time with. Even though I haven't shown up yet, I've already made plans and had to cancel them. There are other plans I've made that I haven't canceled yet, because I would rather make it all work out. As an example, my sister-in-law yesterday surprised me with, because Auntie is in town, let's throw Patrick's birthday party--a month early--on the Sunday I am there. The invitations have been sent. The venue booked. Isn't this great?! Patrick is thrilled is favorite aunt will be able to come to his party! That same Sunday, another close friend of Buck's is graduating and that is the only day he and his wonderful mother are available. This also requires me to drive to Mesa, pick up Buck (who hopefully will be awake, alive and moving from the party he is going to the night before), and then drive us both back to Scottsdale for Bonus Kid and wonderful mom. That kind of time management. 

Other monkey wrenches have been thrown into my schedule as well. I'm just trying to keep up. Such as the car logistics... I need to load up a few of my father's things into my car--which will be in Mesa, prior to Sunday but Dad's belongings are in Peoria. However, Buckaroo needs a car for some event that has been planned next Saturday. 

My head is exploding.  

There are a few of you who read this, and you are welcome to reach out next Tuesday and see when I am free. Right now I don't know--but it does not mean I don't want to get together. Because, I do. It looks like my days are going to be consisting of driving back and forth, hither and yon with big chunks of sitting around or shopping at Costco for the things I can't find in Texarkana (like peanut butter) in my downtime. Feel free to touch base and invite yourself to tag along.    

Thursday, May 12, 2022

Texas Heat

Apparently East Texas is having "record setting" temperatures right now. 

If they say so. 

We still don't have a new AC because of "supply chain" issues, but hopefully that will change tomorrow. Today I took my walk, then walked the dog, gardened and did a few household chores before holing up inside. The current temperature is 90 degrees, with 60 percent humidity. The inside temperature might be close to that, but I have two fans running and it doesn't feel too bad. 

According to the locals, this is "July" weather. So, hopefully it won't be any worse than this. 

I am still thinking I prefer the humidity and the lower temperature to the 100+ degree Phoenix summers. 

Wednesday, May 11, 2022

I Have the Hair I Always Wanted in 1983

 I've been hearing for months about how horrible the Texas heat happens to be. Yea, maybe. But I come from Arizona, where the outside temps are measured in the shade. 

"But you don't have to deal with humidity in Arizona..." tends to be everyone's counter. 

True. Arizona summers are like living in a blast furnace. 

This week our AC went out. And let me just go off on this tangent: home warranties are worthless. I knew that when we were offered one when we were buying the house. I knew that when I insisted the HVAC be serviced prior to close of escrow. I knew that when the home warranty company ignored the fact my AC went out this week. I knew that when the same company refused my claim today. I knew that when I had a polite conversation with the home warranty representative today who says there is nothing they will do. It doesn't change the fact I'm still pissy about it and willing to raise hell. But then again, I don't have a lot of hobbies. Anyway, with our without the home warranty company's blessing (and I'm still hoping with) we are getting a new unit this week. 

But, back to the "Texas heat." I think I prefer humidity to Arizona heat. Yes, it is hot and humid. But it is tolerable. I have a couple of fans on me right now, the shades are drawn and I have a cold drink. When the HVAC went out in Arizona, we lived in the pool and at the mall. At night we shipped the kids to friends' houses and Marty and I stayed in a motel. So, this is much better. 

My biggest complaint about the humidity is my hair has become a frizzy mess. Given I've always had straight, fine and thin hair, this curly mop on my head is a bit of a change. After I get it cut next week, perhaps I will feel different about it. 

I asked Polly her opinion about the two types of heat. She said she prefers the Texas heat to the Arizona heat. I do too. It is manageable. And at least there's hope everything will cool off when the sun goes down.  

Sunday, May 8, 2022

Mother's Day

Luna brought me an extra special Mother's Day gift. A turtle. When I commanded she drop it, she wouldn't. She was too proud of her gift. As for me, I was yelling to Marty to come and pry the critter out of the dog's mouth and get it out of my family room! All this before 6 a.m. 

At least it wasn't a copperhead. 

May all of you have a wonderful Mother's Day. And may your loved ones not bring you

Bonus Mom

Saturday, May 7, 2022

Random Texarkana

After the pest control person dropped the bomb about snakes in the area, I asked Tessa if, when she spoke with the former owner of my home, would she pretty please, ask if they ever might have seen a snake, possibly, anywhere on the property. 

Tessa, ever pragmatic, simply answered, "Other than an occasional copperhead, I doubt it."

That did nothing to calm my nerves about the whole possible snake thing. Tessa then discovered I have a bit of a phobia and promised to call the owner and find out with utmost certainty if there have been any past snake sightings at this particular house. 

Meanwhile, I am asking Marty to put down another layer of Snake-Away. It is probably cheaper than packing up and moving again. 


The four bedroom home across the street went on the market. My brother Squirrel put an offer on it. He had the inspections done. All was good. Squirrel and his bride were thrilled. I was thrilled. My nephew Patrick would soon be living across the street! Unfortunately, life doesn't always go the way we expect and Squirrel and his bride pulled out of the deal. 

Squirrel and his bride promise to move here at a later date. Therefore, I won't tell him about Tessa's "occasional copperhead" comment.  You see, Squirrel suffers from the the whole snake phobia thing too. 


I just finished up at five week sewing class. It was a blast! This was the kind of thing I fantasied I would be able to do once I sorta retired. Well, that and read books (booyah!) 

I would like to tell you I'm a rock star seamstress now. But, just like knitting, I work best with flat, rectangular patterns--like these awesome pillowcases. My mother is getting married in July and these are her wedding gift. Hopefully her marriage will be less tumultuous than that %&*!#@$ yellow pillowcase.