Next week I'm taking Buck back to Phoenix. Originally, it was me, putting Buck on a plane and letting him go back to Phoenix. Then it was me, driving to Dallas (sigh), and putting him on a plane. That turned into me driving through Dallas (double sigh) and into a road trip to Phoenix for the two of us.
Buck will be staying (with my car) with his buddy in Mesa while I am 50 miles away in Peoria at my brother's house. Kindly, Squirrel is loaning me a car as well. However, I will be in the East Valley for all or part of at least three consecutive days for graduation ceremonies and festivities. Plus, I am seeing my hairstylist who is promising to work some magic on this unfortunate and unplanned Texas mullet I got back in January that can't seem to grow out fast enough.
My challenge is managing the rest of my time. After 53 years, I have a lot of history in Phoenix. There are many people there I love and truly want to spend time with. Even though I haven't shown up yet, I've already made plans and had to cancel them. There are other plans I've made that I haven't canceled yet, because I would rather make it all work out. As an example, my sister-in-law yesterday surprised me with, because Auntie is in town, let's throw Patrick's birthday party--a month early--on the Sunday I am there. The invitations have been sent. The venue booked. Isn't this great?! Patrick is thrilled is favorite aunt will be able to come to his party! That same Sunday, another close friend of Buck's is graduating and that is the only day he and his wonderful mother are available. This also requires me to drive to Mesa, pick up Buck (who hopefully will be awake, alive and moving from the party he is going to the night before), and then drive us both back to Scottsdale for Bonus Kid and wonderful mom. That kind of time management.
Other monkey wrenches have been thrown into my schedule as well. I'm just trying to keep up. Such as the car logistics... I need to load up a few of my father's things into my car--which will be in Mesa, prior to Sunday but Dad's belongings are in Peoria. However, Buckaroo needs a car for some event that has been planned next Saturday.
My head is exploding.
There are a few of you who read this, and you are welcome to reach out next Tuesday and see when I am free. Right now I don't know--but it does not mean I don't want to get together. Because, I do. It looks like my days are going to be consisting of driving back and forth, hither and yon with big chunks of sitting around or shopping at Costco for the things I can't find in Texarkana (like peanut butter) in my downtime. Feel free to touch base and invite yourself to tag along.
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