Monday, May 30, 2022

Texarkana Food Musings

I have not recovered from my trip. I am not sick, but I have zero energy. I have slept no less than 14 hours a day since I returned. Darwin suggested I eat more fats--which given I live in Texarkana is pretty easy to do. I believe the basic tenant of all Texarkana restaurateurs is that food must be deep fried. That could be why we don't go out to eat much. My guess about the exhaustion is I ate too much wheat (I have an intolerance) coupled with not enough sleep last week. But just to be sure, today I added an avocado to my meal before I took another nap. 

Speaking of food, we have the first tomato and jalapeno from the garden. I don't have a picture of the pepper because it has already been consumed. Trust me, it was tasty. 

But that tomato! Squee! And, there are more of these to come. My experience growing tomatoes in Phoenix were these golf-ball sized tomatoes with thick, sunburned skin. Plus, it took $300 a month in water to get two tomatoes every season.

Later today, I am harvesting the garden's spinach and making egg bites for the week. A family favorite (egg bites being egg, spinach, sausage and cheese baked in a muffin tin and eaten throughout the week). 

And finally, Marty and I found a worthy taco stand. The place is only open on the weekends and we were warned prior it was standing room only. Our four tacos and (an authentic) tamale came out to $13. And it was the best food we have tasted since we got here. And nope, it wasn't deep fried.     

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