Last Friday, I got a text from Tessa: "Want to come to Fuzzy's for tacos and then to Deb's to play cards tonight. We are meeting at 6. You in?"
I was torn. Honestly, as much as I needed to get out of the house, I wasn't in the mood. The last two weeks had been absolutely awful. I was in no mood to socialize.
I'd been invited twice before to Deb's house. The group calls themselves the, "Coronas," as they started getting together once a month starting around March of 2019. Both times I joined them, I had an absolute blast. However, I'd heard nothing since.
In the past three months, I'd played through all sorts of scenarios of how I must have done something to offend one of them. Maybe it was because I was Catholic? All of them, sans Tessa (who is Baptist and Deb's best friend) are from the local Church of Christ. They've know each other for years. Maybe because I wasn't Southern enough? Maybe I didn't do this or that right? Maybe it was nothing at all but just circumstances? I had no idea. Frankly, I found these ladies down to earth--even Tessa who puts on the, "I'm the Queen Realtor" vibe at her office is not this person with the Coronas. But nonetheless, no other invitation had shown up.
Because Texarkana social opportunities are few and far between, I agreed, figuring if it didn't go well at Fuzzy's I'd bail. To make matters even more awkward, neither Tessa nor Deb showed up for tacos. But the rest of the crew did. To their credit, at dinner, the rest of the Coronas (who had no idea I was showing up) were gracious and friendly. I knew enough of the conversation basics at dinner to hold my own that I braved heading to Deb's house afterwards.
At Deb's we played some sort of domino game. We went from around 7 until after midnight. I don't think I've laughed so hard since I moved here. The woman I sat next to playfully picked on me. Apparently, she's one of those ultra-competitive types who hates to lose. I live with three of those, held my own and dished it right back at her, much to the respect of everyone else.
At some point I thanked them all for such a fun time, telling them it is hard to meet people when one has moved to a new town after living in the same place for 50+ years. Deb and her crew instantly invited me to join them for the Monet exhibit in Dallas next week. Unfortunately, I can't make it.
After we broke up, I went over to Polly's work--she's the night auditor at one of the local hotels--and chatted with her for a while. Her schedule is such that I don't see her much these days. Polly's hotel is only a few blocks away from Deb's house.
Will another Corona invitation come forward? I don't know. But I'm hopeful.
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