Tuesday, July 19, 2022

I Hear the Texarkana Knights of Columbus Throw a Great Party

Deb from the Coronas invited me to a prayer group last Sunday night. Again, with a non-existent social schedule, I decided, why not?, and headed over. Being Catholic, I had no idea what to expect with a Southern ladies' "prayer group." But, I figured it was a chance to get out of the house and meet a few people. How bad could it be? 

From the Coronas group on Friday night, Deb (the hostess) and only one other women were in attendance. I was glad to see Leah. I thought she and I had hit it off pretty well Friday night. Sunday she talked about future plans with her daughter and Polly and I. So, who knows!?  

As far as the "prayer group," there had to be about 40 Church of Christ women in attendance (and one Catholic--me). Dinner was potluck and lasted an hour and a half. Folks introduced themselves, asked how I managed to land in Texarkana and introduced me to others. It was a far cry from my experiences with the Southern "Christian" harpies at the Ole' Brokerage. Nobody cared I didn't go to their church. 

The "prayer group" part came after and it was what one would expect, given the name. Talks about Jesus, etc. This part didn't last nearly as long as the dinner or the social time afterwards.  I wished my church did something like this. But then again, my church has Knights of Columbus beer kegger potlucks (I've only attended those in Phoenix, but I've heard legendary tales about the ones here). That's not something you are going to find at a proper, Southern, Church of Christ, ladies' prayer group. 

I had a good time, laughed often and left with my emotional social cup full for the first time in seven months. Many women--even those who didn't get a chance to say hello during the evening came up to me as they were leaving, inviting me again. If Deb or Leah extend another invite (I have no other way to know if there is a meeting) I would certainly come. 

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