When I was living in Mesa, I became enamored with ceramics. The closest studio I can find around here is 70 miles away, in Marshall Texas. My next best option is Texarkana College. They offer ceramics classes. From what I've seen, they look like they would work beautifully for me. Of course, I wouldn't consider taking them until the spring, when in-state tuition would be available. But yes!!!! A creative outlet.
My other creative outlet has been actually applying for Texarkana College. You see, in order to take one ceramics class, Texarkana College wants my high school transcripts. Mind you, I have a college degree. Come to think of it, I have two. They want those as well. I can give Texarkana College my college transcripts. However, I'm finding that getting the high school transcripts are much more of a challenge.
My big challenge is that my freshman high school year was 40 years ago. I went to three high schools. And I didn't start high school on time, which means that I have three quarters and one week of a freshman year. We were homeless and I wasn't in school for the first 8 weeks of my freshman year. Essentially, my mother had to work something out with the high school to convince them to enroll me and not shoot me back to 8th grade. In addition to having to explain this to Texarkana College, I actually have to get the high school in Vermont to answer the phone so I can ask them for my transcripts. But Tex College is already warning me that my freshman year in high school BACK IN 1982 might not be "valid" because I missed the first 8 weeks of school.
I haven't bothered with my high schools in Phoenix yet. I'm thinking if I can't get the Vermont high school situation straightened out, there's really no point in getting the transcripts from the Arizona high schools.
I've thrown out another idea to Texarkana College. Just accept my college transcripts. Or--here's a thought--just let me pay for the ceramics class and get on my merry way. If they want me to test into English 101, fine. If they want me to take a placement, aptitude or any other kind of tests, that's cool. I'm willing to jump through those hoops as well. But hunting down records from my 3/4 of my Freshman year has become darn near impossible.