Monday, August 29, 2022

Slow Spokes (or Spin Sisters)

 A while back, I discovered there are two biking groups in Texarkana that are considered "no drop." The Slow Spokes and the Spin Sisters. "No drop," by the way, means the groups (allegedly) go the speed of the slowest rider. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to go on any rides before Saturday for a plethora of reasons. These reasons include: time, temperature, elevation and distance.

It used to be that I could handle a 20 mile bike ride. However, there were never hills involved and I was good at dodging city traffic. But, that was last summer. So, getting back on my bike after a good long while held some intimidation. Plus, for whatever reason, the Texarkana side of Texas is quite hilly and the streets are narrow. 

However, all that changed this past week when I found out the Slow Spokes (or the Spin Sisters, I don't know which group) had a 12 mile ride that held promise. It looked so promising, that I drove out to the site a few days early to make sure the road wouldn't be too challenging. 

Saturday's ride turned out to be fun. However, the Spin Sisters (or maybe it was the Slow Spokes) had some birthday bash ride that was going to cover three states and most of the riders were going to that one. Well, most except me and my new, super-patient pal, Paul.

Paul and I rode from the Texas-Arkansas state line on some back road to Interstate 30. When we hit the Flying J truck stop, much against the creed of the Slow Spokes (or Spin Sisters) Paul went South on the overpass a few miles and finally got up to a good clip. I opted to turn around and head back. Paul got his speed in, turned back around and caught me about three miles later as I was passing the dead frog on the side of the road. Otherwise, he stayed with me as I went a steady 12 miles an hour.

When we got back to the cars, Paul asked me to come again. I asked him to encourage his wife to reach out--she rides at my speed. He said the Slow Spokes and Spin Sisters tend to do a Tuesday group ride around 6 p.m. every week that gets a lot of followers. He recommended I check it out. I may just do so. Hopefully there is someone else in that group who rides as slow as I do. 

After my ride, Paul went out for another turn back to the Flying J truck stop. I popped in my car and took a few pictures. 

 The Red River on the North, is the border between Arkansas and Texas. Highway 71 is also known as "State Line" road. It is also the border between Arkansas and Texas. So, where the bottom "71" happens to be is the North East corner of Texas. 

A common sight heading east in Texarkana (don't see as many "welcome to Texas" signs heading west across State Line road.). This one was on that country road I was on for my morning ride. I may go out there again this week and practice. 

Random Arkansas pictures on my ride. 

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